Universal Reviews by Worry+Peace

A bit of a World First, don't you know.

Worry+Peace is a reviews-led marketplace. We think providers are using the wrong reviews tools, and itā€™s not helping buyers - weā€™re working on a fix. Custom-built for a sector, by a sector expert.

This latest update brings a whole lot of unique - a World first, too! We deployed this epic update in three parts, read on to see the second part.

Recall what weā€™ve already shared:

Banana Skin reviews can be ccā€™d to a complaint@ email šŸ˜¬

Quote Reviews enabled (for subscribing providers) āœ…

The second part of this epic update is totally unique

šŸŽ± Universal Reviews

Hereā€™s the skinny on the functionality:

šŸ§ Buyers reviewing asked ā€œWho else have you consideredā€?

šŸŽ‰ Buyers can then review multiple providers in one flow

šŸ· Reviews of others are tagged if they werenā€™t chosen option

These features are free for all Buyers - Providers have access to our standard reviews for free - with Quote Review buttons and additional data/insight being by subscription only.

Iā€™m really pleased weā€™ve deployed this update and canā€™t wait to see the first wave of providers deploy it. We know from demos that most reviews are invited after purchase - which is subject to several layers of conversion - we are confident our tools give buyers more reasons to bother and more place to be shown they can.

šŸ’”I know what youā€™re possibly thinking:

"If a buyer DID NOT buy from a provider - theyā€™re hardly likely to give them a positive review."

Ok. Who has the data to PROVE that?

Our hypothesis instead has faith in buyers.

YES PRICE IS IMPORTANT - but it is 2000% NOT the sole reason people make the choices they do. Let's stop being lazy and inside "price" comfort zones. We should hunt down the marginal gains we sorely need across the sector.

Now Buyers have a true reviewing voice.

šŸŽGrab a demo:

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