How providers could inspire Commercial buyers

Creative thinking isn't expensive

Worry+Peace is a reviews-led marketplace. We're also a network. We love insurance and want to help people buy insurance better. That means helping you anyway we can.

Here are some ideas to supercharge you engagement with your buyers - in this case, commercial buyers of insurance. They needed cost the earth - in fact we'd encourage you to think creatively about how you use your budget.

😊Help First, Sell Second

Trust is the biggest factor when it comes to insurance. Do you think trust is earned by looking to quote on a renewal - or helping a business?

What are your buyers' problems? Could you create content, insight, benefits or tools that make theirs easier.

How can you facilitate, fund and create educational and experience-focused material. Make a difference.

Forget about selling insurance and you'll build loyalty. Loyalty buys insurance and introduces friends to buy insurance.

🧠Lead your network

Business is a diverse spectrum. From manufacturers, white-collar services through to startups with crazy mind-bending algorithms. Guess what the common denominator is? Insurance

Many providers are actually the common denominator between their buyers. How are you leading that social network? Networking clubs are often overly 'sell' orientated (see above) and riddled with hidden costs. Why not get on the front foot - make connections, build community? You could be the network hub.

Everyone is looking for galvanisers - be that.

😍Create Wow

You probably have some clients that pay more than others. What is the difference between how you deliver their terms?

When you order online or get food boxes to the door - they've thought a lot about the experience. Every inch of the package, content and product looks good and feels good.

Wow needn't be expensive. It's about getting an edge - wow is in context to your buyer's alternatives.

If your clients get a document, schedule or certificate - how could you digitise or beautify it? What print stock are you using when you send documents? Have you considered how you could use QR codes?

What tailwind benefits (see the two above) does their "service tier" unlock? A flat hierarchy of service doesn't make anyone feel wow.

We all want wow - even a ribbon around a nice branded document box differentiates your service

⚙️Test new tools

Many in the insurance sector have superb gut feel and knowledge of the sector. Retention and word of mouth are key levers to support a commercial insurance operations. But with knowledge can come entrenchment.

With remote working putting a huge challenge on systems, you've probably already found a new technology that you may not have considered. We like tools such as Notion (Intranet), Loom (Screen Recorder), TARs (Bots), Whereby (Video Share) and GoSquared (Live Chat).

Take a look! If you want a tool for a problem - tell us the problem, maybe we've got the tool...

📊Differentiate Professionalism

Have you ever retained the services of a lawyer? Consider how they "price" their professionalism. The bigger the deal/contract, isn't it always the case that the better the lawyer the higher the hourly?

If you are an intermediary that offers recommendations and advice - there could be opportunities to structure it in a more dynamic way. Especially if you're chartered and within the purview of SMCR.

You may not work on fees - but your buyers likely are aware of their rights to hear commissions these days.

Why not consider layering your commission? Or differentiating the offering within your team by experience or qualification. By layering value you empower the budgets of your buyers and manage expectations.

You pay for what you get. Don't you?

💡Put experience first

We are a platform that believes in every type of provider - we want to see choices for buyers. We may be living through the second wave of digitisation for insurance, but that needn't be the end of traditional expertise.

Light bulbs have been modernisers of illumination now for a hundred years - yet it’s candlemakers that enjoy bigger margins. They put experience first.

You can’t perhaps make insurance add pleasant aroma to a room - but you can constantly ask for feedback and grab every insight and marginal gain available.

If you want to find out how we can help you with that bit - grab a discovery call. Otherwise - let’s keep improving and being creative.


To speak to us about any problems you're having, or find out more about our services, book a discovery call.

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